The Advertising Producers Association was formed by and represents the interests of production companies, post production, immersive, music, sound design, VFX and editing companies making commercials.

The APA’s objective is to create the best conducive business environment for our members to operate in. We provide standard contracts, production advice, recommended crew rates, advice on non standard contracts and copyright, disputes resolution, training, promotion and marketing members services and enable members to access new markets in the UK and internationally.


Where we’ve come from and why

The APA was formed as the AFPA, an adjunct to the British Film Producers Association (BFPA), in 1978 and became the AFVPA in 1982, which it was known as until 2000.

London was a global centre for the production of commercial films. Commercial production companies desired an organisation to champion their interests and provide them with advice and other services.

The APA has evolved from its core services of standard contracts and production advice to providing training, promoting its members locally and internationally.


Where we’re at, and where we’re going

The APA helps provide a framework within which members can manage their key business relationships. The standard production agreement is the basis on which production companies are engaged by advertising agencies. Our work with the agencies association, the IPA, addresses production issues and resolves disputes. Members are provided with recommended terms for engaging crew. We routinely advise on issues such as copyright, insurance, contractual issues and foreign service companies.

In addition to these core services, the APA promotes its members through the website, (agencies use as their principal showreel directory), APA Collection, APA Show, and APA Masterclass, our renowned training course. We also help members understand new opportunities and access them, through the Future of Advertising seminars and our international sales events. The APA continuously strives to build new services and resources to help members meet their objectives.

How does the APA work?

Who is involved

The APA operates from its offices in Soho through its Chief Executive Stephen Davies and his colleagues Alesia Duff-Farrier (APA Member Services Manager and CFPE Manager), Charlotte Fraser (Contracts and DEI Executive), Georgia Loosley (Events Manager), Julian Bock (Team and Projects Coordinator) and Nicole Tang (General and Comms Assistant). The Chief Executive formulates policy in conjunction with the joint Chairmen, John Hackney and Lewis More O’Ferrall, and the Council of Members, a twenty strong group, drawn from and elected by member companies.