Webinar Invite
Posted in Events, tagged with Seminars, on March 9, 2021
IR35 is in the news because it comes in soon and puts a significant and difficult responsibility on businesses: to determine whether people working for them through service companies are genuinely freelance or are actually employees, making the company employing the service co. responsible for the tax etc that should have been paid if they get it wrong.
This seminar from our accountancy partners, Moore Kingston Smith, will explain those responsibilities.
First the good news!
IR35 will not apply to most APA members because it does not apply to small companies.
A small company is defined as a company that meets at least 2 of these 3 criteria:
– a turnover of £10.2m or less;
– a balance sheet total of £5.1m or less; and/or – 50 employees or less.
If that is you, read no further – you do not need to attend this seminar or spend anytime learning about IR35.
For those companies that don’t meet at least 2 of those 3 criteria though, this information is very important.
Despite calls for a delay, the new off-payroll working rules are still set to come into effect for the private sector next month on 6 April 2021. We would like to invite you to a webinar that focuses on ensuring you are prepared for these changes.
The rules signify fundamental changes to the way businesses engage individuals providing their services through a company to your business, making you responsible for determining the employment status of the contractors you use.
During this webinar we will cover:
- IR35/off-payroll working rules – where are we now?
- What are the tax implications (including updates for the changes in Finance Act 2020)?
- Which businesses need to comply with the rules?
- Determining whether an individual should be treated as an off-payroll worker
- The associated cost of having to now payroll these deemed workers
- What you should be considering
- A review of the third party off-payroll working rule solutions (e.g. Umbrella solutions and Statement of Works arrangements)
Who should attend: Business owners, directors and HR professionals of limited companies, and contractors of companies who are not exempt (see above).
Date: Wednesday 17th March 2021
Time: 3-4pm
Speaker: Mike Hayes, Tax Partner @ More Kingston Smith