Online Training
Posted in Events, Front page, tagged with COVID-19, Seminars, on April 15, 2020
Living within lockdown limitations and unable to get productions underway, may well make you feel like your hands are tied. But there are several key strategic areas that can be very usefully considered right now, to ensure that you can hit the ground running when the recovery starts. They are also possibly the ones that usually sit in your “important, but not urgent” file.
We are offering you a FREE online training session ‘How to Turbocharge Your Business Recovery Post COVID-19’ to consider key business strategies that will inject positivity into your business and help keep staff motivated and productive.
Based on the previous ”Direct to Client” development courses, the session will touch on 2 key topics and will include tools and frameworks to help you consider future revenue streams. Whilst originally created with a focus on targeting Clients/Brand Owners, much of the thinking will help across several customer segments. And even if you attended the previous courses, you might not have put some of the thinking into practice and could benefit from a refresher :
Have these drastically different circumstances made us look at our processes and practices in a new light? What benefits could this bring to customers? What new competitive threats might we face? Is our proposition to market powerful enough?
Do you have a prospect pipeline? Will it still be relevant? How should / could your product offering change to best fit a climate of recovery? How are you promoting yourself? How could you turbocharge your creds / website / social media?
Please join us – via Zoom – for this 90 minute session on turbo charging your business recovery.
The session is open to all APA members. Please register with your work email.
To register your place, simply click on the button below to receive the webinar link.
A Q&A will be included, though if you have any specific questions, please include them in your registration. We will do our best to cover your suggestions within the allocated timeframe, or cover them in a different session.
We look forward to seeing you on the 30th April at 4pm.